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Uniting ACT.NSW


As part of the social justice and community services arm of the Uniting Church, Uniting ACT.NSW provides comfortable and community orientated aged care. Across their many residential aged care and retirement living facilities, residents receive personalised care that evolves alongside the individual. The organisation prides itself on its 24 hour support, holistic health programs and willingness to provide residents with the tools to tailor and maintain their choice of lifestyle.

The Client's Challenge

In 2022, Telstra announced that it will completely shut off its 3G capability by June 2024. This shutdown will have a major impact on the aged care sector, as currently, many facilities are reliant on the 3G network for vital medical monitoring and digital communication. Uniting NSW.ACT approached NCIS needing up to 2,000 Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) devices upgraded in time for the Telstra shutdown.

The NCIS Solution

NCIS opted to replace the existing PERS communication technology with Talius’s technology suite as well as the Talius Smart Care Platform. Together, we combined these two technologies in order to accommodate both the approaching 3G network shutdown as well as a number of critical technological recommendations proposed by the Royal Commision into Aged Care Quality and Safety NCIS continues to work collaboratively with Uniting NSW.ACT to ensure that the upgrade is rolled out effectively and is due for completion early 2024.