1800 624747
Network Animation
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Waterfront Cottesloe

Cottesloe, WA

Curtin Heritage Living’s Waterfront Cottesloe offers residents convenient, apartment style living set to a breathtaking coastal backdrop. Featuring resort style pools and gardens, the facility is luxurious, modern and designed to cater to each individual’s unique needs. With Stage One and its 20 independent living units now finished, Stage Two is due for completion in early 2024 and will add upwards of 50 new luxury apartments to this beautiful, seaside location.

The Client's Challenge

Curtin Heritage’s challenges were vastly reduced as the ability to expand on their original investment was easily available due to the existing scalability of the GPON network installed in Stage One, Marine Views Cottesloe.

The NCIS Solution

Utilising the already existing servers and embedded network, NCIS will provide Waterfront Cottesloe with the same services that are already installed at Marine Views Cottesloe. This includes TV and internet services, building management, security and residential and commercial data services. As there is already a Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON) and Integrated Communications Network (ICN) installed, the expansion, rather than a completely new build, will prove to be a cost effective way of providing the new development with state of the art, future proofed communication infrastructure. This project will maximise the investment initially made at Marine Views Cottesloe and is slated for completion by early 2024.